Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Recessionista Winnings!

So, if you've read more than 1 of my posts you'll have gathered by now that I'm on a job hunt. Not that that's very uncommon these days, but one thing that's even more important when you don't have a job: Money. Income. Yeah, thaaaaaaat. So what did I do yesterday? I made $270. In about 10 minutes. Now even you people with a job can appreciate that. How did I do this, you may be wondering? Simple! See this?

This is a stack of my textbooks that I don't use anymore. They are taking up room on my bookshelf. A lot of room actually because textbooks are friggen huge. Like, really. See that big green calculus book? I swear it weighs close to 20 lbs. I'm being serious here.

I was kind of skeptical of a lot of the text book buyback websites that I found, since they had soooo many bad reviews of never receiving payment for their stuff, something that I am most definitely not okay with. So I went with trusted places, like Barnes and Noble,, and Amazon. I just went there, entered the ISBN's of the books I had to sell, figured out who would give me the most for what, and then done!

These book now have shiny new homes somewhere else in book-land. Hopefully someone else loves them more than me. I didn't particularly like many of them. I ended up selling the 2 big blue books on the side to, and ended with up $150. The stack of books on the right scored me $120 from Amazon. (Note, selling back to Amazon gives an giftcard, and not plain hard cash. I'm a big Amazon shopper, and they paid me more than did for these books, so that's why I went with them.) Both sites paid for the books to be shipped to them, so the only thing I had to cover was boxes for each package. I bought 2 at the Post Office for about $5. Not too bad if I do say so myself.

What are some recessionista tips that you have?

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