Thursday, March 31, 2011

Dun da dun daaa

 Something Of That Ilk © 2010-2011 Ty Devries. Don't be an ass.

Today, I would like to take a moment to celebrate the end of something that is both humorous and horrible.....Mustache March. If you don't know exactly what Mustache March is, take a moment. Have there been an excessive amount of men with creepy 'staches around lately? Have you walked by an otherwise normal person and thought "Dear God... what's on his face?". Then you probably have experienced Mustache March, and just didn't know it. In order to commemorate it's final day, I'm giving you a gift. (Tee hee.)

That's right. That's what can happen in Mustache March. Be thankful it's over. (Also, if my friend ever found out that this photo existed on the interwebs for the world, he'd probably re-grow that mustache, and kill me with it. So this our little secret, kay?)

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

It buuuurns!

No, not fire. Although fire does usually burn. I'm talking about my throat and calves. I, ladies and gentlemen, attempted running a mile without stopping today. I am now paying the consequences, and also failed pretty miserably. (Took me 14 mins. Laaaame.)  Lesson 1: When it's cold as $#%$&^# outside, and you are moving quickly, your ears get cold. Cold ears turn into earsplitting headaches, making running even worse than normal. Lesson 2: When you've just began walking, your nub self is probably not ready for this, so it's going to suck. Man up. Lesson 3: I probably don't stretch or warm up well. I should fix that. I'm now back, ears properly warmed, thighs burning painfully sitting on my butt. I'm a bad runner.

Yesterday, I got my new, pretty and very expensive resume. My cat promptly did this:

Substitute "socks" for "all things paper", and that is my cat. This comic was actually linked to me because of a different cat "episode", for lack of better word, which is also very much my cat. So far, the few I've seen I'm a big fan of. They are all from, which if you like stupid things, is probably for you. DISCLAIMER: Comic definitely has "LOLPENIS" jokes. Click at your own risk. If you're a fan of the Ctrl+Alt+Del Comic, I think you'll like that one. And if you aren't a fan, you should be. Go! Waste hours of your time sitting at the computer at work, randomly laughing out loud because of it and make your co-workers question your sanity! Do it! Or your children/animals/whoever if you work from home or are a stay at home mom. Which basically means you work from home. Now I'm rambling...

Monday, March 28, 2011

Just another .. not very manic.. Monday

I know most of you dread Mondays. (Haha, I say that like there are actually people reading this. I'm funny.) They end your weekend, you have to get up early again, and are usually just plain hectic. I'd give a lot to have those Mondays back. However, I am not losing faith in my job search. My resume pick up was postponed from this evening to tomorrow afternoon. So instead of spending this evening pimping my skills marketing myself to future employers (See? Random inserts like that come from my mind out of no where. It's terrible.) I'm losing myself in blogisphere land. Blogger says "blogisphere" is either not a word, or misspelled, but I like it, so it's staying.

Because of my lack of social interaction through forcing me to go to a place every day and speak with other people (aka a job), my social life has kind of waned lately. I'm trying really hard to pick it back up and this weekend I went out to the Fort Worth Gallery Night ( if you're interested. There's another one in the fall!). My best friend invited me down, and her husband and his best friend (Mike) accompanied us. Lot's of great galleries, lots of neat art, neat people and looots of free alcohol. My BFF is currently doing...crap what is it called... ah ha! The John Ramsey Money Management thing, so the fact that it was relatively free (besides gas) was a big plus for her family. (Hello, kids are expensive!) And honestly, who doesn't love great times on the cheap? I sure didn't mind.

If I was a good little blogger this is where I would add a few awesome pictures of our evening, the places we went, and what we did. But alas, I'm not. Some photographer took mine and Mike's picture because we are stuffed of awesomeness. Or because we were standing and discussing art. One of the two, but my ego is choosing the first one. I tried to see if I could find it on the internet to mask my lack of blogging skills but sadly either they decided it was a bad idea to take our picture and it will never be published out into internet-land, they just haven't gotten around to it, or my searching skills are sub-par. All of these are probable, and still mean no pictures for you.

Because Gallery Night (aka free beer and wine starting at 3pm) was followed by a rousing few games of drinking Jenga (We're grown ups. I swear. We just like to pretend sometimes we can drink like we could in college) I was absolutely useless yesterday. Movies in bed all day with some dozing in between to keep up the energy levels so I could survive the hard work of breathing. I'm pitiful, I know. The weather was suddenly cold (50's) and gross (rainy-ish), so it is partly to blame.

The weather is still gross, and I'm still waiting on my resume so my usual 8-5 (Okay.. more like 9:30 to when the jobs run out) job of job hunting can't be done and I'm just plain bored. I've been browsing through blogs for a while, and I've been suddenly hit by a need to be crafty and amazing like so many of the ladies I saw. You stinking crafty people amaze me, and make me want beautiful, sweet, crafty things. Bad crafty people! Bad! But I don't have a space to create things for! Not yet anyways. I did find a neat menu planning dry erase board crafty idea (technical term) that I think the BFF would like, but if she doesn't I'd hate to have to shove it into her house and make her use it anyways. It could be detrimental to our friendship, and god knows I need her.

What did you do this weekend?

Friday, March 25, 2011


So I recently decided that I wanted to be able to run a 5k. Now, by recently, I mean about 2 weeks ago. I started this off by walking around the park here where I live. You may be going, wait, walking? Why are you walking? That's not running! You said run a 5k! Let me explain a few things about my thinking here.

1.) When I was in high school I went skiing with my youth group. I'd never been before, so I took the lesson and all that. On my first attempt at the bunny slope I failed fantastically and ended up slamming my back in the huge pole that holds up the ski lift and fracturing my hip. Impressive, I know. So I don't have back problems or anything, but I have to be careful.

2.) I've never been exactly.. fit. Now, I'm not fat (Okay, there were a really bad 6 months once, but we don't talk about that.) Even as a newbie freshman in college rocking a whole size 2 body, running a mile was pure torture for me. I huffed and puffed my way through it every Friday for a class, but my god, it was bad.

So my thinking was that I could work up to jogging once I started getting faster with my walking and in better shape. My goal here is fit, not fat! I want to be able to achieve my goal, I'm not worried about what I weigh. Anyways! I've been walking for about 2 weeks now, and last night my cousin asked to come with me. My cousin is 20 years old (that's 5 younger than me) AND she's always been athletic. She currently coaches a girls basketball team and plays in her church softball league. So I'm sitting here going "Great, she's going to come in here and absolutely school me and I'm gonna look like a nub."

So we meet up and set out at the park last night. Less than 5 minutes in I realize something that made my day. She couldn't keep up with me. I know, it's silly. But hey, it's the little things.  My 2 weeks of walking have put me at a pace that an average athletic person apparently finds too fast! I was absolutely ecstatic during the whole thing. AND! Her being the competitive person she is, we added bursts of jogging into our walk (I may have been egging her on, but pushing each other is what we do, and we love each other like sisters). I was using RunKeeper, an iPhone app that I'm in love with now and our average time per mile was pretty pathetic, but when we weren't jogging we were going at what felt like a dismally slow pace to me. Even with the jogging, I didn't get out of breath once, and we ended up doing 4 1/2 miles.

I guess the point of this is: I'm making progress towards my goal, and it feels great! I'm gonna hit the trails again this evening by myself and see what my average time per mile is. Seeing this has made me want to keep going even more! Is this how people get addicted to running?

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Welcome to my brain! Yay..?

So, I used to blog quite a bit, I always thought I had a lot to say. In the past few years I've kind of felt like even if I did have something to say, it's not like anyone really was interested in hearing it. But honestly, what kind of attitude is that? This isn't for fans, this is for me. I ran across this little gem on the internet today when I decided I was getting back into the blogging world:

The internet is made of people. People matter. This includes you. Stop trying to sell everything about yourself to everyone. Don’t just hammer away and repeat and talk at people—talk TO people. It’s organic. Make stuff for the internet that matters to you, even if it seems stupid. Do it because it’s good and feels important. Put up more cat pictures. Make more songs. Show your doodles. Give things away and take things that are free. Look at what other people are doing, not to compete, imitate, or compare . . . but because you enjoy looking at the things other people make. Don’t shove yourself into that tiny, airless box called a brand—tiny, airless boxes are for trinkets and dead people.

This is from Maureen Johnson, and it really hit home to me today and convinced me to get back out there. Or in here... blogging... either way.. you get it. So here I am. Oh, who am I? Let me tell you.

I recently turned 25 and it makes me feel old.  I'm *almost* done with my bachelor's degree. (This is big step for me. I was not one of those people who popped out of the womb with a passion that they pursued tirelessly from the moment that they could walk. I like things, but mainly.. I just like to live. ) I'm looking for a job. I just got into jogging/running. I love, love, love books. And the rest, you'll find out whether you want to or not probably. 

These things may not seem important or anything but they are the basis of me. And again, this is for me. So there. =P