I know most of you dread Mondays. (Haha, I say that like there are actually people reading this. I'm funny.) They end your weekend, you have to get up early again, and are usually just plain hectic. I'd give a lot to have those Mondays back. However, I am not losing faith in my job search. My resume pick up was postponed from this evening to tomorrow afternoon. So instead of spending this evening
pimping my skills marketing myself to future employers (See? Random inserts like that come from my mind out of no where. It's terrible.) I'm losing myself in blogisphere land. Blogger says "blogisphere" is either not a word, or misspelled, but I like it, so it's staying.
Because of my lack of social interaction through forcing me to go to a place every day and speak with other people (aka a job), my social life has kind of waned lately. I'm trying really hard to pick it back up and this weekend I went out to the Fort Worth Gallery Night (www.fwada.com if you're interested. There's another one in the fall!). My best friend invited me down, and her husband and his best friend (Mike) accompanied us. Lot's of great galleries, lots of neat art, neat people and looots of free alcohol. My BFF is currently doing...crap what is it called... ah ha! The John Ramsey Money Management thing, so the fact that it was relatively free (besides gas) was a big plus for her family. (Hello, kids are expensive!) And honestly, who doesn't love great times on the cheap? I sure didn't mind.
If I was a good little blogger this is where I would add a few awesome pictures of our evening, the places we went, and what we did. But alas, I'm not. Some photographer took mine and Mike's picture because we are stuffed of awesomeness. Or because we were standing and discussing art. One of the two, but my ego is choosing the first one. I tried to see if I could find it on the internet to mask my lack of blogging skills but sadly either they decided it was a bad idea to take our picture and it will never be published out into internet-land, they just haven't gotten around to it, or my searching skills are sub-par. All of these are probable, and still mean no pictures for you.
Because Gallery Night (aka free beer and wine starting at 3pm) was followed by a rousing few games of drinking Jenga (We're grown ups. I swear. We just like to pretend sometimes we can drink like we could in college) I was absolutely useless yesterday. Movies in bed all day with some dozing in between to keep up the energy levels so I could survive the hard work of breathing. I'm pitiful, I know. The weather was suddenly cold (50's) and gross (rainy-ish), so it is partly to blame.
The weather is still gross, and I'm still waiting on my resume so my usual 8-5 (Okay.. more like 9:30 to when the jobs run out) job of job hunting can't be done and I'm just plain bored. I've been browsing through blogs for a while, and I've been suddenly hit by a need to be crafty and amazing like so many of the ladies I saw. You stinking crafty people amaze me, and make me want beautiful, sweet, crafty things. Bad crafty people! Bad! But I don't have a space to create things for! Not yet anyways. I did find a neat menu planning dry erase board crafty idea (technical term) that I think the BFF would like, but if she doesn't I'd hate to have to shove it into her house and make her use it anyways. It could be detrimental to our friendship, and god knows I need her.
What did you do this weekend?